------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wallpaper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was bored so I made some wallpaper. It should be put in your windows directory and then you can set it as wallpaper by using the DESKTOP control panel. It consists of: a.bmp j.bmp pyramid.bmp pyschow1.bmp strange.bmp stretch.bmp surreal.bmp swishy.bmp target.bmp readme.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They are all 16-colour bitmaps made using Windows (tm) Paintbrush -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send comments and feedback to Richard Hassall, 100126,2724. If you feel you want to give my work to other people (I don't know why you would), please do. -<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>